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Prayer Diary for the period Thursday 27th March – Wednesday 14th May 2025.
We continue on in the Book of Jeremiah and what a state the Israelites are in – drought. Jeremiah’s cry to the Lord is heartfelt and we would do well to note how he doesn’t distance himself in his prayer for the nation: “Although our sins testify against us, O Lord, do something for the sake of your name. For our backsliding is great; we have sinned against you.” We, as a nation, sin against the ways of the Lord and would do well to cry out to him in such a fashion. I do like the expression: “why are you like a stranger in the land, like a traveller who stays only a night?” in referring to the absence of the presence of the Lord and all the ways he had previously blessed Israel.
It is interesting to see the humanity of Jeremiah coming to the surface in his cry “Alas, my mother, that you gave me birth, a man with whom the whole land strives and contends!” When we follow the Lord, we will often face discouragement and yet Jeremiah is reassured: “Surely I will deliver you for a good purpose”. We need to draw on that when we are discouraged and downhearted. Again in chapter 20 we can see how Jeremiah complains to the Lord about his trials, and then rises above them to proclaim “But the Lord is with me”… and goes on to praise him “Sing to the Lord…” and then lapses back into depression “Cursed be the day I was born!” How many of us go through these sorts of emotions from time to time, and yet, can we intersperse them with praise for our God, and as we do so see how our spirits start to lift. Psalm 92 comes to mind – “It is good to praise the Lord”
We leave Jeremiah as he prophesies about the coming captivity of the people of Judah and their captivity in Babylon for seventy years. Punishment for the nation's disobedience to God's laws and their idolatry. It also meant that the land would rest and now enjoy the “Sabbath years” that had been neglected in the past. (See Leviticus 25:4)
We turn now to the fifth book of the Bible (and the final book of the Torah when considering the five books of Moses). Deuteronomy. I came across the following definition which I found helpful: "The general theme of Deuteronomy can be stated in a single sentence: it is a call to the service of one God by an elect people centred around one sanctuary, through obedience to the law in the land which God has given." We can see God is placing before His people, in the Book of Deuteronomy, the conditions of their occupancy of this land of Canaan. These conditions sum themselves up into one word: OBEDIENCE. Saying Yes, from the heart, to the love of God and His ways.
In the New Testament readings, we continue in John’s Gospel and ‘listen in’ on a discussion between Jesus and some Jews. If we want to be disciples of Christ we must make Him the Lord of our life. What does that mean? Is Jesus the Lord of your life? Can you truly say that you are serving Him above everything else?
So, if you want to be a disciple of Christ you must obey what He said to do. Otherwise, you are an imposter! In the kingdom of God there is no fence sitting. You must choose your side. Either obey or disobey. Powerful stuff!
You might notice that in the first 28 verses of this part of John’s Gospel (Ch. 8:31-58) the number of times Jesus uses the expression “I am” and recall God speaking to Moses from the burning bush at Horeb and in reply to Moses’ question as to whom he should tell the Israelites had sent him God replies “I AM has sent you.” If those who hotly debated with Jesus had only known who it was who was speaking to them – and we too might ask the same question of ourselves when we read our Bibles. Can I hear his still small voice speaking to me through this passage?
We read of the healing of a man born blind, and the resulting altercation of the Pharisees with the healed man…..and can see their blindness! What are the areas in our lives where we are blind? We need the healing touch of Jesus to open our eyes!
John goes on to write of the raising of Lazarus from the dead, the plotting in the Sanhedrin, Jesus’ anointing by Mary at Bethany, his triumphal entry to Jerusalem on a colt and then his prediction about his coming death.
Finally, we turn to the first four chapters of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. In looking at this letter again I noticed: “Consequently you are…..fellow-citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household.” And also (4:1) “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you received.” Do we take that personally? When we look around at those with us at a church service or meeting do we see fellow members of God’s household? And, are we living a life worthy of God’s calling on our life? Have we even considered it? What is he calling me to do? Who is he calling me to speak to about the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus?” (Eph 2:7). If we don’t speak about it who will?
So, as we approach Passiontide, we do pray that, as with the blind man, each of our eyes will be opened more to the mystery, the power and overwhelming love of Jesus.
With our love,
Peter and Sylvia