A couple of weeks ago I had a free day and as the weather was nice, I took myself off to Brownsea Island to take some photos of the red squirrels. Brownsea Island, for those who don’t know, is a beautiful island off Poole. I loaded up my camera with a really long lens, set off early, got the ferry and walked to where I knew the red squirrels had a drey. I was excited when I arrived, because there was an adult scampering around. I put some nuts around the tree withdrew a short distance and waited. And waited and waited and waited. I waited for three hours and not a sign of them. In many respects it wasn’t a wasted time. It was a sunny day, and I was hanging out in the pine woods with a long lens and not being arrested. But it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted the small red critter standing on a branch with tufted ears and a bushy tail.
As I waited the recurring question in my mind was why am I doing this? What makes me want to do things that others think is just are a bit mad. It’s not as if I’m being paid to do it or anyone will want to hang one of my pictures on a wall. The obvious answer is like most people with compulsive hobbies I do it because I want to. But the deeper answer is because I want to take pictures that are affirmed in a photographic competition or online review groups. I want to hear people I respect tell me that it’s a great picture.
As long as this doesn’t get excessive, in photography there is always a new bit of expensive kit you can convince you need; achieving something even at a low level is something worth having. To bake the cake, to score the goal, to grow spectacular flowers and have someone say that is great is life affirming. It makes us feel good. So, to all those with compulsive hobbies, keep going and look to achieve the thing which is just a bit better.
The happy end to my story is that, just as I was thinking of packing up and calling it a day, this little fellow showed up and posed for 20 minutes. I went home feeling pleased with myself having one competition entry for this year in the bag. Ian
Ian Thacker
Associate Minister
Farleigh, Candovers and Wield