Benefice of Farleigh,

Candovers and Wield

Church Information - 14th February 2021

Letter no 48, February 13th 2021

Benefice of Farleigh, Candover and Wield

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01256 389474                                     01256 381217

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Dear friends,

Each week draws us closer to spring, to the end of lockdown, to freedom to breathe and socialise, to worship and sing our praises – not quite there, but closer each day. Sometimes we want everything now, but for many, patience can only be learned by having to wait. Thank you for prayers for the engaged couples’ evening last Saturday which went really well, despite being on Zoom.

We are already almost at the start of Lent – so pancakes on Tuesday, fasting starts on Wednesday - always a good discipline, whether from some foods, or fasting from something that may have a hold over us – even fasting from television can give us time to reflect on God’s plan for our lives each day. It is a good self-discipline and one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control, something which is easy until we face our own appetites for whatever may be our weakness.

Instead of starting Lent with an Ash Wednesday service, we are going to start our Lent sessions a week early, with the Bible course from the Bible Society. Christian discipleship involves knowing God’s Word and putting it into practice. Too often we think we know it but humility dictates we always have something to learn, so I hope many more of you will take this opportunity to be stretched a little. Please do let David or Stephen know you are coming so we know how many to expect. To join the sessions, please click on the link below, any time from 7.15 p.m. on Wednesday 17 February:

Stephen Mourant is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 3886 2923
Passcode: 750883

Stephen starts another exploring faith course on Tuesday 16th from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m., and has had several enquirers already booking in. There’s always room for more – do ask and he will send you the link.

Sunday services: David’s service link will appear shortly on the website. 

Stephen’s service for 14 February is accessible as usual via the benefice website or click here:

The theme is about transformation, and there is a children’s Bible Story read by Natalie Wood, called “the paralysed man” as the first reading early in the service. 

May God encourage you this weekend, and help us all to rise above the general sense of weariness and to look forward in joyous hope to an outpouring of God’s presence in our communities.

Don’t forget the children’s Bible stories – they are on the benefice website under the “Children“ tab, with colouring sheets/puzzle sheets to go with them.

We are available as always for you by phone, email, zoom or a conversation in your garden.

Prayers for you all,

Every blessing,

David and Stephen


Stephen Mourant,  

Associate Rector

Benefice of Farleigh, Candover and Wield, 


The Rectory, Church Lane, Ellisfield, 

RG25 2QR 01256-381217

Living the Life... Telling the story... visit us at

Please note my rest day is Friday so e-mails sent Thursday evenings may not be viewed till Saturday.

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